The thrilling july edition photo contest started with 18 contestants, saw 2 contestants disqualified and 16 vying for the top 3 winners. After a total of 3000+ votes, 3 winners emerged based on modeling attributes and fanbase. Miss Sasi wins with 686 points, miss Bibi closely on the spot with 658 points, and trails of Miss Steelz with 555points. Behind the 3 winners were Miss Kay with 535 points and Mr Donlary finishing with 526 points.We thank all participants and encourage all that didn't win to strive harder in their chosen career.
However, Face of Flame Models Night Out is here in celebration of the winners; come and crown your queen.
Date:18th July 2014
Venue: Duban Int'l Hotels, 63/65 Isheri Road, Ogba Ikeja, Lagos.
Time: 5pm-11pm Red Carpet: 4pm
Powered by Flame Family Group.