Celebrity blogger, Linda Ikeji shared on her blog, the account of a mysterious girl who says Ice Prince and herself used to bed mates. She sent in her story in response to the blogger’s earlier post about all girls sleeping with celebs being a groupie.
Although i’m not sure if she cooked it up or a real story but, some things certainly looked familiar there.
Read her story below:
Hmnnn., .What an interesting Story!! Read Up!
I must say not everyone who had once slept with a celeb is a groupie. My story is a bit emotional and I fell in love. I met Ice prince about 5 years ago. I stupidly fell so deep in love with him after few years. Let me take you right back. When we first met it was about s3x and just having fun and drinking together. He never let me sleep over, he always use to make me go home very late, is either he has family coming over very early or he is busy. It didn’t bother me that much because I never had feelings for him at that point. After a while we started spending more time together we started having s3x.
Few mistakes I made was having s3x with him unprotected.(I go for check up). I know I wasn’t the only one he was sleeping with but I guess in my head I was. He has a very big and long Dee*** it seriously use to freak me out. It’s so long that it doesn’t look straight. I am not gonna lie, he knows how to bang.
After a few years he got someone pregnant. I was very hurt but he denied it. One night he was in the studio while I was using his phone to listen to music. Yes I went through his phone and found out he already had a son and not only that but also he was sleeping with a Ghanaian actress. Anyway I didn’t go to his birthday because I know I will only get hurt. We lost contact and met again, had the best make-up s3x and for the first time he gave me h3ad. I have to say it was worth the wait. He went crazy on me and started letting me sleeping over. In fact he always ask me to stay.
Crazy think is, I was a virgin when I met him. I had a best friend who was also a virgin we always go buy s3x toys but promise never to have s3x before marriage. I never told Ice this. I guess that’s why I feel so deep for him. He loves to get his d*** s*cked but I am very inexperience in it that I always felt like throwing up plus with such long ass d**k. All and all, I still love him because his amazing..
N.B: This story might not even be real…so take it with a pinch of salt! Regardless, it’s fun to read…